Blog Motivation

Take the first step

If you want to get into wildlife conservation, whether it’s as a career or as a side project, the most important thing is to take the first step.

Send that first email to a researcher you admire expressing an interest in joining them on a research project.

Follow up on interesting conversations or opportunities you’ve been offered in the past.

If you’ve no experience, then view it as an opportunity. Get involved in a local conservation organisation. Start a blog. Download a good citizen science app.

Begin a habit that your future self will thank you for.

Find a niche where you can stand out.

Maybe you’re really good at art or storytelling and can contribute to a positive digital project about species rediscovered after everybody thought they were extinct.

Maybe you’re a computer whiz and can contribute to an app that connects in real-time conservationists facing day-to-day funding shortfalls in the field with people back home who can help them.

Discover a subject that you could become passionate about by reading, reading and reading more.

Ask to be introduced to a a friend of a friend of a friend that’s doing something you want to do.

One of my best mates blagged an all-expenses paid 3-month trip photographing animals in Botswana through his mum’s dentition’s friend. You never know until you ask.

Start cultivating a list of useful resources on how to get into conservation. Start by googling Read this National Geographic Article.

Most of all don’t be afraid of failing or of being turned down or marginally missing out on something you really wanted.

You’ll get there, keep going. It all just about taking one first step after another.


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