Blog Madagascar's Treetops Videos to watch

Using drones to fight TB in rural Madagascar

How do you provide people with fast access to medical supplies and services when they live in remote rural regions, sometimes more than a day’s walk from the nearest doctor? One answer is with drones.

During my time in Ranomafana in Madagascar, I was lucky enough to speak with some of the awesome scientists and technicians pioneering the use of drones to help battle tuberculosis in mountainous areas with limited access to healthcare.

From delivering medicines on demand, to allowing fast identification of TB incidents by flying fluid samples from villages straight to laboratories, the project is a fantastic example of how technological innovation is being harnessed for good in one of the poorest countries on the planet.

And in a week where our TV screens were held hostage by a plonker flying a drone over Gatwick airport, this project serves as a reminder of the potential for engineering practical solutions to human and environmental problems.

Find out more in the video below:


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