Author: Gianluca Cerullo


Welcome to the new website!

Hello! Welcome to my wildlife conservation dedicated website! Today is the day it’s gone live after a couple of months of trying to work out how to make things work and building up a bit of content. It’s still very much a working progress so I’m praying it actually all […]

Videos to watch

Turning fishing nets into carpet tiles

Finding ways of changing behaviour and promoting sustainable practices is the cornerstone of modern day conservation. In a world dominated by humans, the solution to many conservation problems often won’t come from a better understanding of how wildlife respond to threats, like fishing or plastic pollution. Rather, it will come […]


Boosting crops to save wildlife

Imagine the entire population of China suddenly tripled overnight. How would we feed these extra mouths without driving wildlife and wild places into oblivion? Although this sounds like the potential plot to a disaster movie flop, over the next thirty years this is the problem that humanity is facing. By […]

Videos to watch

Is there hope for conservation?

Dr. James Borrell is a conservation scientist and runs a great blog which you can read here. In this TEDx talk he tackles perhaps the biggest question of all…is there hope in conservation? Spoiler alrert: there bloody well is! James talks about some of the species which have been brought […]

Videos to watch

The best video on Youtube

It’s not click-baiting to say that this is the best video on Youtube but is merely a statement of fact. I genuinely think that I’m responsible for a solid 1000 of the 21 mllion views this clip has amassed. It’s David Attenborough narrating wildlife clips to the tune of Louis […]


Wild hope

Andrew Balmford is a Cambridge professor and a big Camembert  in conservation circles. He is a front runner in recommending that we should intensify the amount of crops produced on farmlands as a way of “sparing” wild places, has conducted research showing that primary school children better remember Pokemon than […]

Blog, Opinion Articles

Should we save the fluffy ones?

In an ideal world we would protect the whole alphabet of animals, from aardvarks through to zebra sharks. But conservation doesn’t happen in an ideal world—it happens on a shoestring budget. Future extinction rates could get as high as three species disappearing per hour, which leaves conservationists with some very […]