Fieldwork Stories

Stories and silliness from the field

Blog, Fieldwork Stories, List Articles, Madagascar's Treetops, Motivation

2018 in 18 photos… from treetops to hospital beds.

Another year, another species of orangutan, and another bunch of complete pillocks put in charge of biodiversity hotspots (pillock 1, pillock 2). Here are some of my favourite (and worst) moments of 2018, in no particular order. I supposed the biggest thing was graduating from Sheffield Uni with a Master’s […]

Blog, Borneo Fieldwork, Documentaries, Fieldwork Stories, Video Articles, Videos to watch

Borneo: Life After Logging

Once upon time, the island of Borneo was blanketed by dense and pristine rainforests. Ancient dipterocarp trees pierced the canopy, towering over a sea of treetops like parasols. These noble giants were the first to go when the chainsawing started. When industrial logging came to Borneo, it struck with an […]