Tag: Rainforest

Blog, Borneo Fieldwork

Machetes and seedlings: the key to saving Borneo’s logged rainforests, or the next phase in their degradation?

It’s 1998, and as Borneo’s rainforests are being ravaged by some of the most unsustainable logging the world has ever known, one timber company is bucking the trend and investing in its future. Twenty years later, the results of Sari Bumi Kasuma’s (SBK) foresight are clear to see. Elsewhere across […]

Blog, Documentaries, Uncategorized

Grazing The Amazon

There are certain conservation issues that always seem sexy to the documentarian. Anything to do with rhino or elephant poaching. Anything where there are two clear polarised sides–say trophy hunters vs animal rights activists. And stuff with apes, some nice shots in a rescue sanctuary and a good corruption scandal […]


The galactic importance of tropical rainforests

Here are two facts that are rarely put together, but which I think should be much more often. 1) Tropical rainforests today cover around 16% of Earth’s land surface but harbour an estimated 50% of all terrestrial biodiversity. 2) So far, Earth is the only planet in our galaxy that […]